Description: In this guide I will teach you the process to making up to $500 in as little as an hour. In this method we will be setting up a web design buisness and create websites for buisnesses all around the country.
Step One:
Set up an account at For now you will be using a free account, soon you will upgrade to premium. Learn all the basic controls, play around with templates, and most of all have fun. You won't get anywhere if your not enjoying yourself and being creative. You want to get used to creating your own templates because businesses don't always like those generic ones. Create your own site and have your porfolio of everything you create. Check out this site for an example:
That guy banks big with this process because he pretty much created it.
If you would like some guides on how to use wix, please email me at:
I might charge a dollar or two depending on the guide.
Step Two:
Look around for businesses that don't have websites, these are the ones you want to target until you become more established. At first I recommend trying localy, then spread like wild fire. What you are trying to do is build your portfolio.
Ok so this is what you do:
1. What kind of company is it? Construction?
Find a nice template or make you own that add some info.
Don't know what to add?
Thats easy. All you have to do is search google for something random like "Construction company in california" click on the first listing and copy+paste. Of course you have to change the information up a bit, but thats easy.
2. Contact the companies owner and tell them who you are. Tell them that you noticed that they didn't have a website and you made a sample. Tell him you would like to take a look at it, and that if he doesn't like it you can start from scratch and make one that fits his company.
What should you charge?
My uncle now charges $500 to design a site and $175 for hosting. **hosting on cost around $90 so he makes $85+$500=$585 per client. In 5 months he has had 72 clients. So $585*72=$42,120...That's alot of money in 5months of work. And he only spends 1-3 hours on each website. My point is since you are beginning, your prices should be alittle lower unless you already have experience in web design.
3. Either he likes the sample or not.
4. Move on
Step 3:
As soon as you get payed upgrade to premium and host his website. It may need some maintenance from time to time but it's pretty much set and forget. One tip is never tell anyone you make the sites with wix. That is a good way to lose buisness, because they can just go and make their own.
That is all I can this of for now.
I am only asking one this and that is please keep this for yourself. Don't share it because soon it will be so saturated no one will make any money at all.
3. Either he likes the sample or not.
4. Move on
Step 3:
As soon as you get payed upgrade to premium and host his website. It may need some maintenance from time to time but it's pretty much set and forget. One tip is never tell anyone you make the sites with wix. That is a good way to lose buisness, because they can just go and make their own.
That is all I can this of for now.
I am only asking one this and that is please keep this for yourself. Don't share it because soon it will be so saturated no one will make any money at all.