Monday, January 10, 2011

TMC Method #9: Full Tilt Poker Affiliate Cashflow Methods (Online/Offline)

WARNING: This is a BlackHat method. Not everyone feels comfortable performing BH methods, but they do work so here it is! It's by Human on TheBotNet!

(I wrote this back in June, but it still works just as well)


A year ago I joined Full Tilt Poker's affiliate program, and made some nice cash through a method that I tried. It's blackhat, basically social manipulation, but it works DAMN well. There's also offline opportunities, once of which I will share.

Join Full Tilt Poker's affiliate program. There's no phone call, there's nothing else involved. Use the CPA method, not the percentage of revenue method.

You'll see on the signup just how much money you can be making.

So, on to the methods:


Go to Craigslist and make a post for a meetup in whatever city you choose. Choose a section that makes sense. Go to Google and find a hotel close to that area. Download a photo of the hotel and get the address.

Title your post something along the lines of "Poker Tournament! No Cost To Enter, $10,000 Grand Prize!". That will get the traffic.

In the body of the message, make it believable that this place is having a poker tournament. Upload the images of the hotel, and the image of Full Tilt Poker's logo, stating somewhere in the post that they are sponsoring the event.

Tell them to respond if interested, as only 500 people will be welcomed into the weed-out competition to be done online, and only 100 will be invited to attend the tournament.

When they respond, give them a response telling them that they need to sign up to Full Tilt Poker through your link and use their real information to become eligible.

If all goes well and you post in enough cities, you can be looking at a few hundred sign ups. You get close to $100 for each person who loads money, and if only 10% of 300 people load money after signing up, that's $3,000 made through one idea. Wait a month, rinse and repeat in different cities.


Speaks for itself. Make a bunch of CD's, distribute at a local bookstore or casino. Golden.

Enjoy your newfound riches!


becoming affiliate is a nice way to earn

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