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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Long Term Investments for the Future

Long Term Investments for the Future

If you are ready to invest money for a future event, such as retirement or a childís college education, you have several options. You do not have to invest in risky stocks or ventures. You can easily invest your money in ways that are very safe, which will show a decent return over a long period of time.

First consider bonds. There are various types of bonds that you can purchase. Bondís are similar to Certificates of Deposit. Instead of being issued by banks, however, bonds are issued by the Government. Depending on the type of bonds that you buy, your initial investment may double over a specific period of time.

Mutual funds are also relatively safe. Mutual funds exist when a group of investors put their money together to buy stocks, bonds, or other investments. A fund manager typically decides how the money will be invested. All you need to do is find a reputable, qualified broker who handles mutual funds, and he or she will invest your money, along with other clientís money. Mutual funds are a bit riskier than bonds.

Stocks are another vehicle for long term investments. Shares of stocks are essentially shares of ownership in the company you are investing in. When the company does well financially, the value of your stock rises. However, if a company is doing poorly, your stock value drops. Stocks, of course, are even riskier than Mutual funds. Even though there is a greater amount of risk, you can still purchase stock in sound companies, such as G & E Electric, and sleep at night knowing that your money is relatively safe.

The important thing is to do your research before investing your money for long term gain. When purchasing stocks you should choose stocks that are well established. When you look for a mutual fund to invest in, choose a broker that is well established and has a proven track record. If you arenít quite ready to take the risks involved with mutual funds or stocks, at the very least invest in bonds that are guaranteed by the Government.


How to Know When to Sell Your Stocks

How to Know When to Sell Your Stocks

While quite a bit of time and research goes into selecting stocks, it is often hard to know when to pull out ñ especially for first time investors. The good news is that if you have chosen your stocks carefully, you wonít need to pull out for a very long time, such as when you are ready to retire. But there are specific instances when you will need to sell your stocks before you have reached your financial goals.

You may think that the time to sell is when the stock value is about to drop ñ and you may even be advised by your broker to do this. But this isnít necessarily the right course of action.

Stocks go up and down all the time, depending on the economyÖand of course the economy depends on the stock market as well. This is why it is so hard to determine whether you should sell your stock or not. Stocks go down, but they also tend to go back up.

You have to do more research, and you have to keep up with the stability of the companies that you invest in. Changes in corporations have a profound impact on the value of the stock. For instance, a new CEO can affect the value of stock. A plummet in the industry can affect a stock. Many things ñ all combined ñ affect the value of stock. But there are really only three good reasons to sell a stock.

The first reason is having reached your financial goals. Once youíve reached retirement, you may wish to sell your stocks and put your money in safer financial vehicles, such as a savings account.

This is a common practice for those who have invested for the purpose of financing their retirement. The second reason to sell a stock is if there are major changes in the business you are investing in that cause, or will cause, the value of the stock to drop, with little or no possibility of the value rising again. Ideally, you would sell your stock in this situation before the value starts to drop.

If the value of the stock spikes, this is the third reason you may want to sell. If your stock is valued at $100 per share today, but drastically rises to $200 per share next week, it is a great time to sell ñ especially if the outlook is that the value will drop back down to $100 per share soon. You would sell when the stock was worth $200 per share.

As a beginner, you definitely want to consult with a broker or a financial advisor before buying or selling stocks. They will work with you to help you make the right decisions to reach your financial goals.


Marketing Strategies

Marketing Strategies

Marketing strategy helps organizations to focus their attention to complete resource utilization to increase sales and win over their competitors. Every company applies some kind of marketing strategies to maintain existing customers, attract potential customers and also to maintain and enhance their reputation in the market.

When designing a marketing plan, first a marketing strategy is taken into consideration. The marketing plan consists of steps to be taken so as to attain success in the implementation of the marketing strategy chosen. Big projects involve selection of different strategies at different levels. Usually a strategy consists of well-sketched tactics. They are meant to meet the needs and finally reach marketing objectives. Each of the strategies has pre-calculated results because when a particular strategy is chosen at a particular level, its outcome becomes the goal of that particular level. If there is an absence of a well thought strategy in a marketing plan means it is supposedly lacking a good foundation. A reasonable marketing strategy should not only facilitate marketing goals, but also the action sequence of a campaign.

At regular time intervals the firm should analyze the marketing decision. This is done with the help of strategic models and the 3Cís model is considered for this purpose. To calculate the companyís strategic position, Ansoff matrix is used. The 3Cís model determines the factors, which leads to the success of a marketing campaign. There are three key parties involved in this model the corporation, the customer and the competitors. The involvement of all the three key parties leads to positive results and this involvement is known as the 3Cís or strategic triangle.

The role of the corporation is to increase the strength of the company in the success critical areas, when compared to that of the competitor. The customer and his interest form the basis of any strategy. The competitor also plays a vital part. The competitor-based strategies are based on the functioning of business competitors like design and engineering, sales and servicing, and purchasing.

When making a marketing plan depending on some particular strategies known as mix strategies are used. 4Pís model is used to calculate whether the plan is sticking to the strategies or not. The four Ps stand for product, price, place and promotion. Products are goods produced by the company on a huge scale for the purpose of selling them and earning profit. Price is the money paid for a product by the customer. The price is based on many factors like competition, market share, customer perception and product identity. Place where the product is sold can be either physical store or store on the Internet. It is also known as distribution channel. To make the customer knowledgeable about a product, the marketer does promotion. It involves advertising, public relation and point of sale.

There are different types of marketing strategies based on some criteria.  Challenger, Leader and Follower are types of market dominance strategies. Market dominance strategies are used to dominate the market. Cost leadership, Market segmentation and Product differentiation are types of porter generic strategies. Porter generic strategies are built on strategic strength or competing abilities and strategic scope or market penetration. Close followers, late follower and Pioneers are types of innovation strategies. Innovation strategies are meant to trigger the rate of product development and model innovation. It helps the firm to incorporate latest technologies. Intensification, Diversification, Vertical integration and Horizontal integration are types of growth strategies. Growth strategies facilitate the growth of the organization. Marketing warfare strategies are conjunction of marketing strategies and military strategies.

A marketing strategy or a mix of them is chosen only after thorough market research. A marketer should always be ready to face any kind of situations like if the strategy is changed in the middle, he should be able to perform another market research so as to choose the proper strategy, within a short period of time. This can be done easily if you have experience.


Tricks to sell your product

Tricks to sell your product

The whole idea of the marketing and sales is to play with the psychology of the consumers. In any campaign, efforts should be made it make it so influential that the decision making of the customer is totally in the favor of the company.

There are some tricks to manipulate the mind of the consumers, which can be utilized by not only ordinary sales person, but can be used by larger firms. Although they are used unknowingly, there is no set list.

Mutual exchanging is the first and powerful trick. The company can start with giving something for free to the customer. He will take it for the first time, but from next time he will feel obliged and will try to return the favor. Offering the product for free initially can do this. And if the customer is satisfied with the product, he will buy it for himself from next time. Some salespersons get confused with this principle.  For example, it is ineffective and wrong according to this principle, to quote ëSpend over $25 and get a free t-shirtí. The offer is not free; the customer has to spend something to get the free product. The product being given should be totally free without any condition to be fulfilled. For example, the line ëGet the latest lipstick shade absolutely freeí will do the trick. If the shade is really good, they will buy it the next time and might even think of buying other shades of lipstick.

The next trick is to present something as of high value, but the company should incur only small or no amount in producing it, like information. It can tempt the customer by saying that the information provided to them is a big time secret and is not known to anyone at all. But some mess it up, by saying that they are providing very valuable information, but it turns out to be another advertisement.

Another example is giving out free sample to the targeted customers. Again the mistake made here is that companies distribute samples of poor quality or rejected products. This certainly lowers the customers liking towards the product and he will assume thatís the way the product is actually and wonít go ahead to buy it.

Use words, which initiate immediate action, like ëLimited time offerí, ëOffer ending sooní, and ëOffer till stocks lastsí are really motivating. The customer gets the impression that the offer will end really soon as the products are limited edition and he should go out and buy it at the very first chance. This works well specially with customers who have an interest in collecting antiques, collectibles and anything which are not easily available.

Tricking the customer in making a commitment is another next good method to increase sales. The trick is to make the customer to take small steps toward the goal, without realizing about it. Like when the customer requests for some information, provide them with the relevant information for free and make them fill a form and take contact information from them. This is like committing to get offers and information about products in future. Do not advertise in this step. In the next step advertisements about products and services can be sent to the customer to the address provided by them. Conducting surveys is another example.

Lottery is another good method. When a person buys a lottery ticket, he fills his address on the ticket. This information can be used to contact the customer in future. In the above practices itís very vital to not to advertise in the first step. Only after getting the customer contact information, should promotional mails be mailed to him. Long advertisements that are featured in the newspaper are a small twist to this trick. If the customer invests time to read the whole advertisement, he has committed and will surely respond to the ad.  


How to make a marketing campaign appealing?

How to make a marketing campaign appealing?

Marketing campaigns cannot survive if they boring. Everyday there are more than three thousand marketing messages reaching out to the customers and it is really a huge competition if one expects to be recognized among the crowd. This message should talk to the customer and influence his mind. Strong, creative, confident and exciting are the key factors that a message should have, as that will embed it into the customerís thinking and he remembers it for a longer time. The customer should feel empowered and should think of taking some action right away. For instance Nikeís catch line is Just do it, itís a line that has such a great impact on the minds of the people that they use that line even when talking about everything else, along with Nike products. It is obvious that by adding certain features, the marketing appeal can be multiplied.

Scientists agree to the fact that using visuals to make a person learn something is the best option than any other means and as one of the famous saying goes ìa picture speaks a thousand wordsî. So the best bet is to add visuals to promote marketing. Visuals can be anything like pictures, animations, or graphics. See yourself what wonders it does by placing a picture of a representative and products on the companyís website. This not only brings the customers close but also strengthens the relationship.

Different colors depict different types of emotions. Messages can be delivered to people suing colors and meaning can be added to it. Red and blue are colors liked by aggressive shoppers where as yellow color can catch good attention of the on lookers. Green reflects health, money and nourishment, so it can be used in food advertisement. Black means strength and power that is why it has been used by Jaguar, on their website background and advertisement. Wealth and royalty means purple. Colors used on business cards can also be used to attract the customers. But the colors should be carefully played with, too much can be distracting. A professional help can be sought when selecting colors for business cards, website font, website background, logo, etc., to send the right message. On websites, fonts can be added which change colors and graphics that move.

There are lots of options available when thinking of what technology to use. The good news is that most of the options are cheap and easy to use. Audios and videos can be added to your website to attract attention. Like when one visits the Pepsi homepage, they are greeted with energetic music, which attracts teenagers instantly. To make a more realistic approach, welcome message, introduction video, interviews, or how the goods are produced, can be added to the website. Hearing a voice can be very touching and a rapport can be immediately developed with the visitor. Like Adidasí website opens with a video which truly fits their punch line, Impossible is nothing.          

Business cards should be outstanding and at its creative best. Professionally designed graphics can be added to a brochure type of card. Information about the company, contact information, quotations, and picture can be added on four sides of it. The fonts should be the same.

Just listing the benefits isnít enough. Customers want more, they want their needs to be met. Like if some is thinking of buying an exercise equipment, donít just say that the machine has display, automatic incline, cooling device, CD player, programs, but also add that there is a program with audio instructions which encourages the person to do exercise, which is meant for people who need real motivation to get out of their couch and to start sweating out. So convey exactly why the customer should use the product, be more precise.

Uniqueness is the biggest key factor. Not only should the products and services be unique, the marketing campaign should be unique too. Not only will the effort be appreciated but also the impression will be everlasting. Once faith of customers is gained, they will be like free walking advertisement and will spread the word to their friends and acquaintances like anything.


Differences between Marketing and Advertising

 Differences between Marketing and Advertising

Marketing and Advertising, although they sound similar but in reality they are not. Advertising is only a part of the bigger game called Marketing. Marketing encompasses complete conceptualization of a brand right from research to designing to advertising to sale. Advertising, on the other hand is a component of the marketing process which is nothing but conveying the message through variety of mediums to promote the product.

Advertising is one of the most important component of a marketing strategy and also the most expensive. Advertising constitutes sending the message across the public about your company, product or services. It also constitutes behind the scenes work like the process involving formation of various strategies and coming up with a right one to target the viewers. The strategy consists of planning things like placing ads, deciding what media to use, what time, frequency etc. The advertisements are generally placed via mediums like television, snail mail, newspapers, internet, emails, radio, magazines, mobile messaging, flyers, billboards etc. The most popular one is of course television although advertising on internet is becoming increasingly popular too.

Easiest way to differentiate advertising from marketing is to consider marketing as a cake and if you cut the cake, advertising as one of the pieces of that cake. The other pieces of cake are market research of the product, product designing, media planning, PR, product pricing, customer satisfaction, customer support, sales and many more. All these components or pieces of cake should work independently but collectively in achieving the bigger goal i.e. sell product and build companyís reputation in the market. Marketing is a marathon process involving many tasks that involve hours sometimes days of research. The research part of marketing takes the longest duration as it involves thoroughly understanding the behavior of people towards a product. Designing the product and developing advertising strategy is also a time consuming process. Only components that take less time are executing advertisements and sales. Marketing can also be perceived as a medium between consumers and the company.

But many companies often make mistake of confusing advertising with marketing. They try to ape big companies like Coke and Pepsi in advertising but they simply ignore the work that goes behind that. The classical example of this is, take the case of logo for instance. Many business owners are so hysterical about the logo of their company in their advertisements that they think that it will simply bring in the sales. But what makes a logo works is none other than the reputation of the company and the logo must have a feeling to it and should truly reflect companyís values. One should also remember that these companies spend fortunes on advertising which a new start up business canít. Rather than spending unnecessary money on branding your product one should invest money and time in communicating to the consumers that they can address their expectations. After building reputation and growing to a big size company one can think of these lavish ideas. Educating the consumers also helps as it will give them an understanding that you know what you do and are best at doing that.

Smart marketers are aggressive in approach rather than passive. They provoke readerís minds by prompting them to do something rather than just making them knowledgeable of the product. Smart marketers also bring home the names, addresses and contact numbers of people who are really interested in hiring your company by employing aggressive marketing. Thus having a good marketing campaign speaks a lot about the company and their products and advertising gives that finishing touch to the hard work done by the marketing people in selling a product.


Creating a Corporate Image

Creating a Corporate Image

For any corporation it is very important to create a distinct image in the market. This is known as Corporate Image which distinguishes the corporation from its competitors and provides a picture of it to the general public. It depicts the principles, beliefs, productivity of the company. This image is responsible for increasing the sales of the product and to achieve brand equity. Corporate image creation is a strenuous and time consuming process and is carried out by experts qualifying in perception management. Basically, the creation involves marketing experts who used various kinds of promotion methods and public relations. Since this image is targeted to attract the customers it should be highly appealing. Besides the marketing experts critics play an important role too.

The name of the corporation and its catch line should reflect its belief like Wal-Mart, which says that it sells for less. A logo should also be designed accordingly. Like the corporation FedEx has an arrow incorporated in its logo which depicts its fast and efficient service. Once the image is created by the corporation the next step is advertising and product distribution in the market. Like if the corporation creates luxury products, they should rope in big names in the advertising experts and the models to be featured in these ads should be super stars. Likewise, they should not distribute their products to every other store; instead they should target more hi-fi malls. Time to time, advertising and branding budget should be reviewed to cut down on cost and to be in-sync with the technology. This also helps in revamping the corporate image according to the fast changing demands of the consumer.

Testimonies of news papers, magazines, and labor union can deteriorate a well-created corporate image. Simplest of controversies can be exaggerated by the media and spoil the name of the company. Controversies are born by the interference of organizations related to environment, religion, crime, politics, education and charity. Government, too, is another powerful and influential organization by itself.

Once the corporate image is created, it should be retained. It should not be like here today and gone tomorrow. This image should be reflected in all the brands and product line of the corporation. Even if one of the products isnít up to the mark, it will lead to confusion among the consumers and will hit the sales of the company. Like recently there was controversy about a particular contact lens solution of a company. It was supposed to be infecting the users with a rare disease. This not only affected the sales revenue of that particular product but also made the customers think and raise question about the authenticity of other products of that particular company.

Another companyís products had hidden non-vegetarian ingredient in a vegetarian product. This led to the decrease of trust among the customers. In such a case the company should either advertise itself as a company selling non-vegetarian food or it should invest in promoting the company as vegetarian by introducing more vegetarian products. So the image of each individual product of the company makes up for the complete image of the corporation. And last but not the least, the image should be very realistic, truly representing its values and should leave a personal touch with the consumers.


Attributes of a Successful Selling Strategy

Attributes of a Successful Selling Strategy

The first attribute of a successful selling strategy is a website that provides information about the products and the service they are providing. The advantage of that is we can sell those products and services online. Selling is a talent to be cultivated. It requires a lot of understanding to find what the customer is looking for and then fulfilling his needs.

It is very important to get the complete attention of reader. The content of the message should be make reader think. This can be achieved by using power words, along with color and visuals. Once the attention is grabbed, it should be retained till the end of the message. The customer should be prompted to take some action and their involvement should be sought. They can be made to sign up for newsletters or can be made to take the survey by visiting the companyís website.

The consumer should be convinced to buy the product. All the features of the company should be specified, with the more relevant ones on the top. They should be explained logically through these points how the products will fulfill their needs or solve their problems.  It does only by convincing the customer about this will motivate them to buy the product. They should be made to understand what wonders the product can do to him. Strong emotional words should be included in the sentence. The customer should either fear the loss of the product if he doesnít buy it in time or he should be given the greed of the advantages the product can provide. These reasons will create an emotional impulse and will make them think that they have no other option to buy it. They will have a logical reason to make the purchase. The emotions of the buyer should be manipulated with words.

Something like ëlimited editioní or ëlimited period offerí will create a sense of urgency. The customer thinks that he should get this product somehow. Itís nice to have sales often, especially to clear out old inventory in the name of some offer. The products which have an obvious damage should be sold out at a special price. But the damage should be mentioned to the customer. If itís not mentioned, the first time the customer will be tricked into buying something, but he will loose trust and wonít come back again.

Always hold seasonal sales and offers. Since all the competitors will be giving out different offers to attract customers, itís a good point to have one, too. But it should be remembered to not to imitate anyone. Only a unique offer will make the customers not go to the competitorsí. Once in a while offer free shipping offer also works. A condition like if a customer spends particular amount of money, all items will be shipped for free. This is another attractive deal which will surely tempt the customer. Thanks to search engines and online stores anything can be purchased from the comfort of the home. Give away free sample to the customers or keep a pre-sale price for introductory products. The customers wonít think twice to spend a little money to try something new.

The ending of the sales message is where most people mess it up. The whole efforts will be wasted if the customer gets a second thought. He should be convinced, by nice words, to buy the product till the very end. The content should be arranged with care. The key is to tell the customer what to do exactly after he finishes reading the matter, like ëGrab the golden opportunity nowí or ëpick up the phone and dial the number right nowí, etc. Do not include links or short advertisement of other products or services. This will shift the focus of the reader and he might have a second thought. A list of the existing customers should be maintained and from time to time special offers should be mailed to them. So basically the whole idea is to influence the mind of the customer until he buys a product.  


Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a derivative of Internet marketing where the advertisement publisher gets paid for every customer or sales provided by him. Affiliate marketing is the basic for all other Internet marketing strategies.

In this type of marketing, affiliate management companies, in-house affiliate managers and third party vendors are effectively utilized to use E-mail Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, RRS Capturing and Display Advertising for the success of the product. The web traffic can be traced with the help of a third party or own affiliate programs. A lot of work is involved in this process. At first marketing by this method involved lots of spamming, false advertising, trademark infringement, etc. But, after the invention of complex algorithms and advance security this has been regularized to make it safer for doing business and shopping online. This even led to the better scrutinizing of the terms and conditions by the merchants. Affiliate marketing became more profiting with the opening of more opportunities but at the same time it also increased the competition in marketing.

Due to this pressure in house affiliate programs for merchants became a thing of the past and were replaced by out-sourced programs. The companies that offered this service have expert affiliate and network program managers who have various affiliate program management techniques.  These affiliate networks have publishers associated with them who help them with the advertising part.

Affiliate marketing was started by cdnow.com who had music oriented websites. They placed list of music albums on their site and they paid others if they put those links in their websites when a visitor bought their album through their site. The first company to link with cdnow.com was Geffen Records. Two months later, Amazon was offered by a woman that she would sell Amazonís books on her website and she should be paid a certain percentage in return if she sold Amazonís books through her site. They liked the idea and started the Amazon associates program. It was more of a commission program where they received a commission if a visitor clicked their links and banners on otherís site and bought anything through it.

Since its invention, the affiliate network has been adopted by various businesses like travel, education, telecom, mobile, gaming, personal finance, retail, and subscription sites, the most common being adult and gambling sectors. In UK alone, affiliate marketing produced £ 2.16 billion.

The compensation methods used are Cost per sale (CPS), Cost per action (CPA), Cost per mile (CPM) and Cost per click (CPC). The first two are the more famous methods today. This is because in CPM and CPC, the visitor which turns up on a particular website might not be the targeted audience and a click would be enough to generate commission. CPS and CPA have a compulsion that the visitor not only clicks on the link but also buys something or signs up for some service after it which proves that he is among the targeted audience. Only in the above case the affiliate gets paid. So the affiliate should try to send as much targeted traffic as possible to the advertiser in order to increase his/her returns and for this reason affiliate marketing is also known as performance marketing because it totally depends on the performance of the affiliate. The affiliate team can be differentiated from a sales team from the nature of their jobs. The job of the affiliate team is to drag targeted traffic to a point and from that
point itís the job of the sales team to influence the visitor to buy the product or the service.

This is a very effective kind of method because the money is being paid only when results have been achieved. The publisher incurs all the cost except that of initial setup and development of the program, which is incurred by the merchant. Many businesses give credit to this method of marketing for their success.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

TMC Method #15: How To Make 100 Dollars A Day - 5 Easy Steps

This is a great method from MMD, it was written by Justin Tyme.

In order to easily make $100 to $1000 Dollars a day online you have to have the right information. Once you have the tools in place, the income will follow, provided you dedicate a routine of following certain steps to see it through. There are no magic buttons or special tricks that simply do everything automatically. 

5 Easy Steps

How many ebooks or reports have you purchased lately promising to put you on the easy road to internet wealth? Don't worry about keeping count, it's a necessary step in your online marketing curve.

A word of advice; don't let your friends or family chide you for not becoming an Internet Millionaire overnight. Just remember that its the 80-20 rule that applies to business life online, just as it does in the 'real world.' Of every 100 marketers trying to make money on the internet, only 20% will really ever make it. The other 80% try, but never get started or remain unfocused, hopping from one opportunity to another.

If you want to be successful (just as in real life) you have to practice the 'Power of One' approach. That means focus on one thing at a time, get really good at it... then move on.

I'm sure your curiosity is boiling over right now wondering just how easy it's gonna be to make $100 a
day. After all, I'm pretty sure plenty of so called "Gurus" have already promised you instant riches... right?

So what exactly makes the steps I'm going to give you any different from what you already have? There are really more than five steps to successful Internet Marketing, but for the sake of time, I'm cutting the fluff and giving you the condensed version. But don't worry... what I'm sharing works!

Ready to go? These are easy, fundamental steps that you should learn and work on every day.
Step 1 in the $100 A Day Income System is this...

Make sure you have a PayPal, Clickbank and a PayDotCom account setup for yourself. That's most important! That's how you're gonna get paid ;-)

All are quick and easy to setup. It just takes a little of your time.

Go to http://www.Clickbank.com for your Clickbank Account.

Go to http://www.Paypal.com for your Paypal account.

Go to http://www.PayDotCom.com for your PayDotCom account.

You don't need a product or service of your own, you really don't need much of anything.


Before you stop reading this article because you possess an inherent fear of writing, I've already made sure you have a way around that, too. You're simply going to become an expert at speaking your article/review (recording it) and having it transcribed. Having someone transcribe your spoken article, may cost you $6.00 to $10 bucks. That's all... no more I can't write excuses, OK?

I know... I'm probably jumpin' way ahead here, but I know you may be thinking about so many other obstacles that you may just think this is going to be too hard... right?

Listen to me... just one step at a time, OK! We're going to go over a lot of things here for sure. All I want you to do for now is relax and trust in the fact that we're gonna go over everything you'll need to know to be successful with my system.

Okay... the first step you've taken is ensure that you have accounts setup so you'll be sure to receive proper credit (and profits) on product referrals.

So here's 
Step 2 in our $100 A Day Income System.... 

We're going to capitalize on an ingenious method where we simply write one article a day (approximately 350-700 words) and in that article you offer a detailed, unbiased review of someone elses product. That's it!
Step 3 - You go to Marketplace - ClickBank and browse through the programs that you already have knowledge or interest in. Spend some time there. You don't have to feel like you have to pick the first one or two you see. Read the "Pitch Page" and see if it's something you feel you might buy.

Later on, once you get to feeling comfortable there and learn the different ways to search, you'll feel right at home. Several tips for you; when you do your searches, change the search results level from 10 to 30. This will save lots of time. Tip two is don't pick the most popular listed programs as there are a lot of people competing for those.

Learn the difference between 'sort' methods. They are: Popularity, High and Low gravity, % Earned and % Referred. As mentioned earlier, take your time and get to know Clickbank well, really well.

To recap a bit....

*You've setup your affiliate accounts with Clickbank, etc

* You're going to find some products you are interested in reviewing and write a short product review about that product.

* Later, we'll then submit these articles to some popular article directories such as the one you're on now.
Step 4 - Now, let's talk briefly about the actual construction of your article.

Your title is the most important part of your article!

Spend 50% of your efforts on the "TITLE" of your article. This is extremely important. If your title isn't full of benefits for it's readers, chances are the article won't even get read... so spend a lot of time on it!

The above point is EXTREMELY important! The title of your article will decide it's success or failure -- plain and simple!
Step 5 - And here's the kicker...

Once you've written your article, you are afforded the opportunity to place a small "About The Author" byline at the bottom of each of your articles. Many article publishers use this "ad space" to tell folks a little about themselves and then also place a link back to their website.... just like below.

So... you're going to use this small ad space to place a brief note about you and leave your website link where they can easily find your affiliate product link. This way, when someone reads your rave review about a particular product, they just might want to learn a little more about it. So, they simply click on the link at the bottom of your article and VIOLA! They are transported through cyberspace and...

You get credit for the referral and more importantly a commission if this person decides to buy the product. Dang! I love the Internet!

Follow these steps and do them religiously EVERY DAY and you'll certainly be on your way to seeing how others constantly open their email every morning with a hot cup of their favorite coffee and see those PayPal paydays.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

TMC Method #14: Make a Game, Make Some Money!

Wonderful post from TheBotNet.com. Written by Subject7890.

Well I hate all of the GTP and PPC Sites, so I did some searching and found this cool site called Mafia Creator! You can make a free text based Mafia RPG, afterward you have made it and people play on it, they will buy in game credits, and when this happens you can recive most of the payment of these in two forms! One is Mafia Coins which you spend on your site (Buying extras such as a domian name, or more options to customise your game!), or you can get payed into paypal once a month!

Method to make money faster!

Well don't get payed into your paypal account to start off with! As the free Mafia Coins are useful to make your game better or people won't play for every long if you have a boring site! Buy a few of the cheap but good tools for your site first! then buy a domain name for 150 Mafia Coins a year! Then after a little while switch to paypal payouts! And if there are a lot of people playing and buying credits, this can make a nice little earner and you have a lot of fun doing it!

Thanks for reading! 

TMC made it's own game. Check it out at Method Mafia

TMC Method #13: How to Make Money Marketing CPA Offers

This guide came from 101WaystoMakeMoney.com. They are a great resource for making money. But don't worry, TMC will bring you the best methods they have got.
With the internet such a large part of our lives today, more and more individuals are looking for opportunities to make money online. While some are doing it to bring in some extra cash, others are looking for full-time careers and are being quite successful with their endeavors. Many are doing this by becoming marketers of CPA opportunities. You, too, can make money marketing CPA offers.
What is CPA?
CPA (no, I don’t mean “certified public accountant”) stands for “Cost Per Action” and it is when someone is paid for an action resulting from a lead. CPA has been around for many years, but has become much more popular in recent years by mainstream marketers that saw the opportunity for profit.
When you’re marketing CPA offers, you don’t necessarily have to sell anything to get paid. For instance, if you’re making up advertisements for a product and a sale is made because of your advertisement, you’ll make money. CPA has become so popular because you can make money without having to actually make the sale yourself. Collecting leads such as names, email addresses and locations is the most effective way of marketing CPA offers. Becoming a marketer for CPA offers is easy, fast and can provide you with a lot of fun and money!
Becoming a CPA Marketer
Becoming an online CPA marketer is not as difficult as one might think. You will need to have either a blog site or quality website set up before you can sign up as a CPA affiliate with a company or a CPA network (many are available on the web). Once you sign up, the companies will check out your site to ensure it meets their requirements.
Once this is done, they’ll contact you either by email or phone to ask you a few questions to make sure you know what becoming a CPA marketer entails as well as what your plans are as far as promoting their product or services.
They’ll want to know that you are aware of the rules and regulations regarding search engine and sale strategies. If you have any questions, this is the time to ask them so you’re well aware of what’s expected of you and what you can expect in terms of sales and money.
Know your Company
I know this is the internet and you can’t be expected to know every company that’s out there but, if you’re planning on being a CPA marketer, you want to make sure they are a legitimate company and will play by the rules and pay you.
Do some research about the company you’re considering working with. Make sure they are what they say and are legitimate. There are many sites where you can check on the legitimacy of internet companies. Do your homework and get reviews on these companies. Only agree to market CPA offers for companies that you’re comfortable working with. Once this is done, you’ll find you’re well on your way to a very promising and successful career as a CPA marketer.

To read more check their site out at: 101WaysToMakeMoney.com or look around our blog. =)


TMC Method #12: How To Make Money Blogging

This method came from a great website called "101WaysToMakeMoney.com". We here at TMC love their content and want to feature our favorite posts.
More and more people are realizing that blogging is one of the best ways to start your own online business. It requires minimal start up costs, you can build an impressive and loyal readership over time and once you know how to monetize your blog it can also bring in a decent income that will keep on coming even on the days when you don’t update your blog.
There are several ways to set up a blog online. You could use WordPress, Blogger, or another free site that hosts your blog for you; or alternatively you can set up your own blog under your own domain name.
If you want to make serious money from blogging, you must have complete control over your blog – and that’s something the free blogging accounts won’t give you. You’ll be bound by their terms and conditions and that usually includes not being able to actively promote anything. There are plenty of people who have established a blog only to have it removed without notice some weeks or months later.
It will cost you a few dollars to buy your domain name and set up a web server that will host your blog, but the benefits will far outweigh the cost involved. It can literally be as little as $20 a year we’re talking about here – and that buys you total freedom.
Once you’re ready to set your blog up you’ll need to choose a good theme and layout for it. You might find one that relates to your choice of subject (more on that in a moment) or else there might be one you just like the look of. But there are thousands of templates available for you to use – a simple search on Google will reveal the ones that will be best suited to your topic.
But perhaps the most important question is what you are going to blog about. The whole world is your oyster here – some people blog about their lives in general; some blog about their jobs; some blog about their hobbies; some tell the world about their kids and what it’s like to be a parent, and still others blog about the weird world of celebrities. But whatever you choose to blog about it needs to be something you are passionate about. Don’t forget, you are going to be writing about this topic several times a week, and if you don’t have the enthusiasm for it, that will show in your posts – and no one else will have the enthusiasm to read them.
Okay – so you’ve got your subject. Now you have to start writing your blog posts. If you take a look at just a few of the blogs already online, you’ll notice that the length of the posts varies a lot. Some people only write a paragraph or two each time, but you’ll get better results if you go for something a little longer than this. Around 400 to 500 words makes for a good post with a lot of information in it; some people write hugely long posts that are thousands of words long and could be called an e-book by another name.
But you can also take the format of this blog, by posting a short blog entry which leads into a longer article. This has the benefit of highlighting a lot of blog posts on the home page of the site, and people can then click through and read the ones they like the most.
You should remember however that there are no real rules when it comes to blogging. Over time you will naturally find what works for you, and your blog will settle down into a nice pattern that both you and your readers will enjoy. You’ll find your character and personality will start to come through in your writing too; don’t fight against this as it is one of the hallmarks of blogging. It is, after all, a personal account of an individual’s life and experiences, so show people what you’re made of! You’ll get a more loyal – and bigger – audience like this.
So you’ve got your blog up and running and you’re posting to it on a regular basis. The next step is to get it in front of as many interested eyeballs as possible.
One great way to do this is to submit it to as many of the social bookmarking sites as possible. You can also join social networking sites and build a profile which contains a link to your blog. Other no cost ways to generate traffic include writing free articles for article directories with a link to your blog at the end, and creating signatures at the end of any posts you make to internet forums, and also in all the emails you send out. When you really start thinking about it, you don’t actually need to spend anything to generate plenty of traffic.
All we need to do now is monetize the blog itself. You’ll want to generate some money from all the visitors you’ll start getting, and there are plenty of ways to do this easily. Google Adsense is probably the most well known method – you can join the program for free and display contextual ads that your visitors will be interested in to maximise your click through rate.
There are also a handful of websites which give you the opportunity to get paid for each blog post you make on a specific subject. Pay Per Post and Review Me are two such examples, and they will pay you a certain amount of money to review a product or website for the owner. In a similar vein you can also review and recommend other people’s products through affiliate links inserted into your blog posts, and earn money on commissions earned through any purchases people make.
And once you’re more established you can offer ad space on your blog too, and charge a fee for both classified and display ads if you wish. What could be better than setting your own price?
But there is one final step you can take with your blog if you enjoy a change of scene every now and again. You can sell your blog! Once it is established and has plenty of revenue and traffic, you can usually sell it for ten times its monthly revenue.
And then, you can start all over again with a whole new subject!
So that’s it – profitable blogging in a nutshell. If you have any questions feel free to leave your comments in the form below. And once you’ve done that, get out there and get started building your first blog today.

To read more methods check out their website at: 101WaysToMakeMoney.com or just look around our blog. =)


TMC Method #11: Join RevenueForever and change your life in 90 days

Here's an opportunity to take control of your life. Just spend an hour a day for 3 months and you could make $10000 every month forever. Your income will grow every day. Your target market is enormous. There are billions of people in the world just like you who are looking for opportunities to make easy long term residual income. Stop struggling and living pay check to pay check. TAKE THE FIRST STEP TO CHANGING YOUR LIFE. Live the life you've always dreamed of. Travel where you want. Work when you want. With the RevenueForever System ----You are in control of your life and your financial future. What are you waiting for? Get your FREE account now.
Click Here


Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Friday, January 21, 2011

Free $10 Trick

Who wants to earn a free $10 from GPT sites for doing nothing. All you have to do is sign up from my link and email me at:

The email should include the username you signed up as.

From there I will send you the guide and you will make $10 un about two minutes. This works for multiple sites!

Here is the link:


Click Here

Thanks for reading!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Monday, January 17, 2011

Thunder Rewards

ThunderRewards.com is a brand new GPT still in the beta stages! I joined at 5:30 on January 17, 2011 and by 5:50 I had already made 3 dollars! That is incredible! I will keep you posted, and look out for a new page to this blog dedicated to ThunderRewards.com, like bannerpay's page. 
Here is proof:


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

TMC Method #10: Currency Exchange

This method came from thebotnet.com. It takes some time and is not 100% guaranteed to get you money. Pretty simple concept though. Takes research!

Make money on the internet

Earn money easily online. This guide will teach you how to easily make money (Nothing Blackhat) on the internet. This guide requires the end user to have a basic skill of using a computer.

Note: You WILL need an internet connection.

Written by: edavreda
Copyright 2011 edavreda Inc.

Guide starts here:

This guide does not use illegal methods to gain money like F***ing B****es and acquiring currency. This method may be currently known to people but not a lot of us use it. What you will need:

1. A Paypal account
2. Money
3. Time

Current (as of post date) currency rates:
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1543x648.

So in other words if I exchanged 100 USD in EUR curency (EUR = 83.72) on June 8, 2010 and then I exchanged back the 83.72 EUR in USD currency (USD = 119.27) on November 4, 2010 I earned a total of $19.27 in over 4 months :S. Anyways making money is not really that hard.

Oh and you can try to use other currencies too. Also I don't know if paypal updates their rates or anything but I will try soon unsure.gif

EUR/USD exchange rates:

For those of you who don't know what this method is, it's Forex.

Peace unsure.gif

Thanks to OBSIDIAN we don't really need two accounts. We can just convert currencies in one paypal account: https://www.paypal.com/ca/cgi-bin/we...ile-currencies

Monday, January 10, 2011

TMC Method #9: Full Tilt Poker Affiliate Cashflow Methods (Online/Offline)

WARNING: This is a BlackHat method. Not everyone feels comfortable performing BH methods, but they do work so here it is! It's by Human on TheBotNet!

(I wrote this back in June, but it still works just as well)


A year ago I joined Full Tilt Poker's affiliate program, and made some nice cash through a method that I tried. It's blackhat, basically social manipulation, but it works DAMN well. There's also offline opportunities, once of which I will share.

Join Full Tilt Poker's affiliate program. There's no phone call, there's nothing else involved. Use the CPA method, not the percentage of revenue method.

You'll see on the signup just how much money you can be making.

So, on to the methods:


Go to Craigslist and make a post for a meetup in whatever city you choose. Choose a section that makes sense. Go to Google and find a hotel close to that area. Download a photo of the hotel and get the address.

Title your post something along the lines of "Poker Tournament! No Cost To Enter, $10,000 Grand Prize!". That will get the traffic.

In the body of the message, make it believable that this place is having a poker tournament. Upload the images of the hotel, and the image of Full Tilt Poker's logo, stating somewhere in the post that they are sponsoring the event.

Tell them to respond if interested, as only 500 people will be welcomed into the weed-out competition to be done online, and only 100 will be invited to attend the tournament.

When they respond, give them a response telling them that they need to sign up to Full Tilt Poker through your link and use their real information to become eligible.

If all goes well and you post in enough cities, you can be looking at a few hundred sign ups. You get close to $100 for each person who loads money, and if only 10% of 300 people load money after signing up, that's $3,000 made through one idea. Wait a month, rinse and repeat in different cities.


Speaks for itself. Make a bunch of CD's, distribute at a local bookstore or casino. Golden.

Enjoy your newfound riches!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

TMC Method #8: My Quick 10 Step Tactic To Make An Extra $1,000 Per Month Easily

All I have got to say is WOW! Great guide and it's sure to be a money maker! Maybe not as much as the title says, but it depend on the amount of effort you put in. This piece of art came from The Warrior Forum and was written by BHunter1212. This is truly a great resource for anyone looking to make real money!

For this guide I'll use the example of people having problems with Time Management. Here Are My Steps:

1. Find A Problem (Time Management) That Many People Need A Solution To Immediately.

2. Create A Site With A Title Related To the Niche For The Problem(A Hosted Wordpress Site Works Best, But A Free Blogger Site Can Be Just As Effective With Good Keyword Research.)

3. Research The Problem If You Don't Know The Answer To The Problem. This Can Be Done Very Quickly With A Few Google Searches.

4. Build A Good List Of Solutions To The Issue, Then Make It Into A pdf. In This Particular Niche(Time Management) It Can Be Maybe A List Of 50-100 Ways To Save Time.

5. Name Your Book Something Catchy, Then Create An Ebook Cover. this Can Be Done for Free At eBook Cover Creator - eCover Design Online Free (Not An Affiliate Link)

6. Setup A Paypal account, then Upload The pdf online to either your site, or you can also do this free at Sell eBooks, Files, Downloads, Digital Products with Paypal - UPLOADnSELL.com (Not An Affiliate Link) I Usually Offer These For $5 Per Site.

7. Here Is Where It changes up: Offer The pdf As A Free Download For People Who Donate To Your Site. Say Something Along the Lines: "Buy Me Lunch For The Day And I'll Provide You With My $100 Value Book Only Sold To 25 Readers: ("Insert Title Here") As A Token Of My Appreciation." 

8. Place Your Paypal Link Inside The Donation Box, Then Place It In An Area Of Your Site That Makes It Stick Out Like A Sore Thumb So Every Visitor Is Forced To Notice It.

9. Add A Few Pages Of Content To Your Site. Make Sure The Content Is Related To The Niche And Is Seen As Valuable To Readers. This Could Even Be Duplicate Content, But I Prefer to Use Unique Content Myself So I Can Enjoy Organic Content To The Fullest. Videos And Pics Also Help Distinguish Your Content, And Videos Can Easily Be Made In Windows Movie Maker If You're Camera Shy.

10. Drive Traffic! Try To Get Visitors That Are Actually Interested In The Problem Your Product Offers A Solution To. Doing This It Should Be Fairly Easy To Get Around 200 Sales If You Use It Correctly. Also Submit It To Search Engines so It Gets Indexed Especially If You Do SEO. I Personally Make Around $3,000 Per Site I Use This Technique On Even On Free Sites, But Im Pretty Good At SEO Myself 

Bonus Tip: Find A Clickbank Product That Goes Along With The Niche You Choose And Also Offer It On Your Site As Well As Other Income Streams. a Lot Of Affiliates Even Offer Banners And More To Provide On Your Site. This Way You Don't Just Put All Your Eggs In One Basket, and Can See Cash Coming In From All Directions!

So there you have it. this is what I do when I either need some extra cash fast, or just want to increase profits on one of my sites. So what are you waiting for? You have no excuse to not be making cash at this moment so get started now researching/writing!

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